For a security audit, it is necessary to check which multi-factor authentication method is enabled for each individual user in the Microsoft tenant.

The guide can also be used to make users aware of a multi-factor authentication method that may be more convenient for them than they currently have enabled.

The following are possible multi-factor authentication methods.:

  • Mobile App (Microsoft Authenticator)
  • Text message
  • Phone call


Microsoft has published a PowerShell script on Github for the analysis of multi-factor authentication, download and unzip this script:

The TenantID is required to execute the script. This can be found in the Azure Portal ( under “Azure Active Directory”.

Export result as CSV file

With the unzipped script “MfaAuthMethodAnalysis.ps1” and the TenantID the script can be started. Note the following:

  • the following PowerShell code can be executed in “Windows PowerShell ISE” in the path where the previously unzipped script “MfaAuthMethodAnalysis.ps1” is located
  • Replace with the value from the previous step
  • No guest account may be used for the sign in
  • the used user account needs at least the permission “User Administrator”
  • “MSOnline” Version or higher is required

PowerShell now takes a short time to export the results to a CSV file.

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Analyze multi-factor authentication methods

In our example the script “MfaAuthMethodAnalysis.ps1” was used to create the CSV file with the following content.

  1. The user has set up multi-factor authentication with a notification via the Microsoft Authenticator app
  2. as an improvement it is suggested to add a phone number to have another option for the second authentication factor, should the Microsoft Authenticator app not be available.

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